The National Memorial Day Concert features uplifting musical performances, documentary footage and dramatic readings that honor the military service of all our men and women in uniform and their families at home. One of PBS’ highest-rated programs, featuring an all-star lineup, the multi-award-winning television event has become an American tradition.
The concert unites the country in remembrance and appreciation of those who gave their lives for our nation and serves those who are grieving through the mission put forward by Abraham Lincoln in his second inaugural address, "Let us strive on to finish the work we are in; to bind up the nation's wounds; to care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow, and his orphan."
Program Sponsors
The National Memorial Day Concert is sponsored by Lockheed Martin Corporation and made possible by the National Park Service, the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, the Department of the Army, General Dynamics and public television stations nationwide. All travel is provided by American Airlines.

The concert is broadcast live on PBS as well as to our troops serving around the world on the American Forces Network. Today, AFRTS uses seven satellites along with digital compression technology to provide multiple television and stereo audio services to over 1,000 outlets in more than 175 countries and U.S. territories and on board U.S. Navy ships.
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