Partnered With

Professional CPR Classes
Mobile on-site training for group size maximum of 12 students per instructor. Exception*Citizen CPR/AED and *BBP - (max of 20 per class) Babysitter = 10 per class
Training for CPR/AED/First Aid is min. 14 year old.
Flexible scheduling: Morning, Daytime, Evening, Weekdays, and Weekends. Please call us to arrange a custom class!
Pricing is competitive in this industry for Quality classes
Red Cross manuals are not required. We recommend a visit to our "Free Resources" tab & review free digital material that coincides with your class type. Purchase of the ready reference cards from Red Cross store is optional.
American Heart BLS eBook or Manual is required. Please see "Classes/Pricing" tab for purchase information.
American Red Cross digital certificates issued to your email All cards are front only, no back. Only one email address per learner is a requirement. (See the FAQ's page for other card options from Red Cross).
American Heart Association cards are issued digitally and emails are required for your American Heart account. This digital card process is a fraud prevention procedure initiated in 2018 for your protection and to validate your training was completed by an authorized training provider. *Note - all BLS or Heartsaver cards will have our primary authorized provider name "Pasco Hernando State College" or "Babcock Health" listed on the card.
Please check with your employer before paying to verify if they require American Red Cross or American Heart Association certifications. Some accept both organizations and other employers may have a preference. (No refunds will be issued after a course was attended & completed.)
OSHA Publication 3317, (2006). Identifies four essential elements for first-aid programs to be effective and successful; management leadership and employee involvement, worksite analysis, hazard prevention and control, and safety and health training. It also includes best practices for planning and conducting safe and effective first-aid training.
If you think your job is unsafe or if you have questions, contact OSHA at 1-800-321-OSHA (6742). Your contact will be kept confidential. We can help. For other valuable worker protection information, such as Workers' Rights, Employer Responsibilities, and other services OSHA offers, visit OSHA's Workers' page, https://www.osha.gov/workers/index.html
American Red Cross programs are evidence-based knowledge in science, medicine, industry standards and regulations. The American Red Cross Scientific Advisory Council is a large panel of nationally recognized experts drawn from a wide variety of scientific, medical, and academic disciplines. The Council provides the Red Cross with authoritative guidance on first aid, CPR, emergency treatments, rescue practices, emergency preparedness, aquatics, disaster health, nursing, education, and training. The Red Cross programs are consistent with the 2021 International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation (ILCOR) and Emergency Cardiovascular Care (ECC). A.R.C. has an Education Joint Statement with American Heart Association dated 10.10.2016.
We teach the most up-to-date versions of the American Heart Association which is currently 2021.
Texas Registrations & Memberships

National Registrations

OSHA certified #20-006049649
Florida Registrations


Aprile Snyder: Certified Lead Instructor to teach and certify with American Red Cross First Aid, CPR, Aed, (BLS) Basic Life Support, and (ALS) Advanced Life Support certifications and American Heart Association Basic Life Support (BLS), (ACLS) Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support, and Heartsaver CPR/FA/AED courses. I worked for the American Red Cross for several years with the public and instructors for their training needs. After I heard many stories of those who used CPR to save lives and other sad stories of those who did not know how to help save a life, I certified as a trainer and joined the A.R.C. & A.H.A. forces to make more classes available to teach these life saving skills. I became OSHA certified and continue to work towards more Instructor certifications in other categories to expand services in the future . My motto & mission is: Saving Lives!