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About American Red Cross Lifesaving Awards:

The American Red Cross has two national awards that may be used to recognize individuals who have saved or sustained a life of another person. The awards are the Certificate of Merit and the Lifesaving Award. The Certificate of Merit is the highest award given by the American Red Cross to an individual or team of individuals who saves or sustains a life by using skills and knowledge learned in an American Red Cross Preparedness and Health and Safety Services course. The certificate is signed by the President of the United States, who is the honorary chairman of the American Red Cross, and the Chairman of the American Red Cross. The award package also includes a citation, medallion and lapel pin. The Lifesaving Award (for Professional Responder, Health Care Providers) award is given by the American Red Cross to an individual, or team of individuals, who saves or sustains a life, outside of a medical setting, as part of their employment or while on duty and had an obligation to respond (e.g., on-duty lifeguards; police, fire and EMS personnel responding to a 9-1-1 call; professional health care workers who have a duty to respond). The certificate is signed by the Chairman of the American Red Cross and the President and CEO of the American Red Cross. The award package also includes a citation and lapel pin.

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